You Are:

Ready to embrace a life of clarity, focus, and achievement in your health, wealth, and happiness without the constant stress and overwhelm?

Meet the
Radical Defiant!

Well done for taking action and discovering your procrastination type!

I’m about to guide you through the meaning and implications of this new discovery about yourself!

 Does any of this sound like you? 

  • Your underlying need to assert dominance often results in alienating those around you, leaving you feeling isolated and misunderstood.

  • You find it challenging to acknowledge mistakes or accept constructive criticism, impacting your growth opportunities and affecting your professional and personal relationships.

  • The overwhelming desire to come out on top makes you resistant to collaboration, hindering teamwork and collective growth in professional settings.

  • Your reluctance to show vulnerability and share genuine emotions creates barriers in intimate relationships, leading to a lack of depth and understanding.
  • Your need for affirmation, combined with a lack of genuine self-awareness, can lead to a skewed perception of reality, affecting decision-making and interpersonal dynamics.

  • The habit of taking things personally or perceiving threats, even when none exist, can cause unnecessary conflicts and tensions in various aspects of life, from work to personal relationships.

  • Your resistance to change, even when it's beneficial, hinders personal growth and adaptability, potentially causing missed opportunities in both personal and professional realms.

  • The deep-seated fear of not being the best or most important can lead to stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil, impacting your mental health and overall well-being.

Being a Radical Defiant means you navigate the world with a heightened sensitivity to attention, avoiding the spotlight and often suppressing your true feelings and desires. You may frequently dodge opportunities and interactions due to a deep-seated fear of judgment, criticism, and vulnerability.

While your behavior may stem from past experiences of shame, rejection, or feelings of inadequacy, it's essential to recognize that this avoidance is a defense mechanism. 

We understand that beneath the surface, you harbor a rich depth of emotions, insights, and potential. Embracing and confronting these feelings can be the key to unlocking a more authentic and fulfilling life.

"Procrastination is like a credit card; it's a lot of fun until you get the bill." - Joel Brown

At the MindStrong Academy, we have developed a specialized program and set of tools specifically designed to help you overcome these procrastination patterns in as little as 30 days.

This will empower you to enhance your productivity, accomplish your goals, and build successful habits with like-minded individuals so you can unlock unprecedented levels of wealth, optimize your health, cultivate enriching relationships, and propel your business to new heights.

Click the button below for exclusive access at a 42% discount, available for a limited time.


Your procrastination type represents the subconscious set of patterns you've developed that dictate how you avoid tasks. Individuals representing one of the six procrastination types often experience specific barriers and mental blocks, leaving them to face more complicated and perplexing challenges as adults in various aspects of life such as wealth, health, and relationships.

When you operate with a different set of patterns and expectations, it's easy for tasks and goals to become more confusing, defeating, and overwhelming than they need to be.


We offer a transformative course designed to help you break free from the painful cycles of perfectionism, empower you to overcome negative emotions, and create a fulfilling, balanced life in areas like wealth, health, relationships and business.

In less than an hour, you will gain insights into your Radical Defiant procrastination type and discover the 3 key strategies you need to empower any aspect of your life that feels stuck due to relentless pursuit of unattainable perfection.

Join the ranks of thousands of my students who have overcome their procrastination patterns so you can live a limitless life too.



- Your tendency to prioritize yourself over others may lead you to miss out on lucrative collaborative ventures or partnerships.

- Your need to always be in control can lead partners and investors to distrust your intentions, possibly stalling or halting deals.

- By pushing away those who challenge you, you could be limiting your professional network, restricting potential financial opportunities.

- Your need to assert dominance might lead you to make impulsive investment or spending decisions without thorough research or consultation.

- Your reluctance to heed advice or feedback could mean missing out on beneficial financial strategies or making avoidable mistakes.

- By avoiding situations where you aren't the expert, you might miss out on learning new financial strategies or market trends that could boost your wealth.


- Your constant need to be in control and challenge others can lead to heightened stress levels, potentially impacting your mental and physical health.

- Your focus on asserting dominance might lead you to neglect basic self-care routines, affecting your overall well-being.

- The emotional toll of always being in combative or defensive modes can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, or anxiety.

- Constantly being on edge or in a state of defiance can disrupt your sleep patterns, depriving you of essential rest.

​- You might resort to unhealthy habits like excessive drinking, smoking, or overeating as a way to cope with the pressures of always being on the defensive.


- Your need to always be in control can prevent you from opening up, making it hard for your partner to truly know and connect with you.

- Your inherent defiance might lead to frequent and escalated arguments, causing strain in your relationship.

- Your tendency to prioritize your own needs and feelings can create mistrust, as your partner might feel they always come second.

- You might shy away from deeper commitment due to a fear of losing your independence or control within the relationship.

- Your need to assert dominance can make it challenging to find middle ground, leading to unresolved issues.

- Your preoccupation with your own needs might make your partner feel unsupported or neglected in times when they need you the most.


- While you might naturally gravitate towards leadership roles, your tendency to dismiss others can hinder your ability to lead effectively and inspire loyalty.

- In the professional realm, your defiant nature can sometimes be perceived as arrogance, potentially affecting your professional image and opportunities.

- Your reluctance to sometimes yield or compromise might limit your networking opportunities, as peers might find you difficult to approach or collaborate with.

- Your reluctance to appear vulnerable or in need of guidance can limit your chances of finding mentors or benefiting from their experience.
"I am so grateful"

"After doing this course I had a big breakthrough around my procrastination type and found a good structure around implementing 3 tasks a day. I’m someone who tries to do a million different things and I always have so many projects I say I am going to complete but I don’t. I am so grateful, so I have signed up to this Academy."
As featured on...


Enhanced Collaboration Skills: Learn to harness your assertive energy in a positive manner, fostering better teamwork and mutual respect in professional and personal settings.​

Empathy Development: Understand the power of empathy, not just as a tool for understanding others, but as a key to unlocking deeper connections and more meaningful interactions.

Balanced Leadership: Merge your natural leadership tendencies with newfound listening skills, creating a leadership style that inspires and motivates.

Effective Decision Making: While maintaining your confidence, cultivate the ability to make well-informed decisions swiftly, boosting efficiency and productivity.
Robust Professional Network: By softening some of your more confrontational edges, tap into an expanded network of professionals eager to collaborate and share opportunities.

Self-Reflection and Growth: Gain tools to introspectively address challenges, ensuring continuous personal and professional growth without external validation.

Enhanced Relationship Building: Deepen your romantic and platonic relationships by learning the value of mutual respect, understanding, and shared growth.

Unlocking Untapped Potential: By breaking free from limiting beliefs and patterns, discover and harness potential you didn't know you had, propelling you to new heights in all aspects of life.
If you join today you will get this course for 42% off!

Secure Your Success Now for Just $47! Yes, you read that right. A course that could redefine your life, usually priced at $97, is now available for only $47.

Your smart $47 investment doesn't just get you access to the "7 Days to Conquer Procrastination" course; It's your golden key to ALL of our 50+ premium courses.

Dive deep, explore, and elevate every facet of your life – wealth, health, relationships, and business, all for one incredible investment.
And if you're still on the fence we get it, and that’s why we offer a full 7-day free trial.

Experience the transformation, see the results, and if you're not blown away by the massive breakthroughs, just cancel before the trial ends, and you won't pay a dime for the month.

This isn't just an offer. It's your opportunity, your chance. Grab it now!
"At first I was skeptical but..."

"Before joining MindStrong I was in such a bad place in my life. I was lost and confused, and getting nowhere in life. I enrolled in many personal development programs but something was still missing. I saw the procrastination workshops and at first I was skeptical but after making the leap and working through my patterns I am now successful emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

This high quality coaching and content will change your life! If you're sitting on the fence, I hand on heart tell you this program is what you need to get to the next level so you can achieve success, faster!

Why Is This Course So Effective In Such A Short Time?

The beauty lies in its concise design - it's just an hour long, making it incredibly manageable to complete within a week. Yet, packed into that hour is a powerhouse of insights and tools designed for rapid transformations across all aspects of your life.

Not to mention LIVE weekly calls for additional mentorship support.

Get ready for swift and significant breakthroughs!



When you enroll today, you'll also unlock access to every course we offer at The MindStrong Academy with our All-Access Pass.

With this pass, you’ll uncover the hidden keys to understanding and reprogramming all the procrastination types, learning about their needs, and discovering what drives them to achieve in wealth, health, relationships, and business.

All of our transformative courses are available to you for one single price when you opt for the All-Access Pass, including the 'Conquer Your Procrastination as a Radical Defiant' 7-Day Transformation Course!

Moreover, you’ll gain access to live weekly webinars with me, where you can pose questions about your journey in wealth, health, relationships, and business while interacting with other like-minded individuals on their transformative paths.
These webinars are optional, serving as an extra layer of support should you need it!
You might be thinking why I'm offering this transformational course, along with numerous others and the weekly live webinars, for such an unbeatable investment.

It's simple; I’ve witnessed the transformative power of these strategies and I’m passionate about helping you overcome debilitating procrastination patterns, just as I have. I’m confident that once you experience the breakthroughs from your first course, you’ll be eager to delve into more, allowing me to assist you in diverse areas of your life.

Leverage the 'Conquer Your Procrastination as a Radical Defiant' Program to Ignite Inner Growth, Fortify Connections, and Propel Success in Your Wealth, Health, Relationships, and Business!
"Procrastination is a glitch, and with a mind like yours, glitches are easily overridden. When you learn to command your focus you can rewrite your neural code." - Joel Brown
By understanding yourself and your unique roadmap to success in wealth, health, relationships, and business, everything will become crystal clear.

What's more, this knowledge can save you thousands of dollars and countless hours that might otherwise be spent on ineffective strategies and wasting time addressing issues only after they've become deeply ingrained.

This course will also arm you with the insights to recognize the procrastination patterns in others, helping you to understand their motivations and challenges. For any collaboration or partnership to thrive, it's essential to grasp the underlying dynamics at play.

If you're unaware of your own procrastination patterns, how can you effectively counter them?

Grasping this can save you years of lost productivity, missed opportunities, and invaluable energy that could have been directed toward achieving your dreams and realizing your maximum potential.

 Meet Joel Brown: Top Coach and Trailblazer in Transformation 

Joel Brown is not just any coach; he's a transformative force, masterfully blending deep coaching techniques with unparalleled digital savvy. As the visionary founder of, the world’s leading personal development website with over 372 million website views, Joel has revolutionized the way we approach personal and professional growth.

With a dynamic blend of NLP, Psych K, Theological frameworks, ACT Therapy, Neuro Change Methods, and more, Joel dives deep, unlocking the subconscious patterns that hold us back. His methods aren't just about change; they're about radical transformation. With a social media empire of 2.9 million followers, his influence is both vast and deeply personal.

Joel's Addicted2Success & The Unknown God podcasts have reached more than 7 million downloads and his voice has echoed alongside legends in documentary films such as Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Grant Cardone and more and he has spoken on stages worldwide, bringing his unique blend of transformation and strategy to the masses.

At the heart of Joel’s mission is the MindStrong Academy, a culmination of 14 years of relentless pursuit of excellence in coaching. Here, Joel focuses on overcoming procrastination, and strategies to create more freedom in every pillar of your life. His personalized approach has already transformed over 12,000 lives, proving that with the right guidance, breakthroughs aren’t just possible—they’re inevitable.

Join 'Joel Brown' on this journey with MindStrong
, and unlock your potential and escape the ordinary so you can achieve beyond your wildest expectations.
"It's massive personal development"
"The workshops here are mind blowing. I used to struggle to be successful but after working with Joel and his coaches I have broken through the limitations.
This is massive personal development and this is just the beginning. Thanks so much Joel Brown. Love you brother! I’m now moving forward and taking action."
"I have created a successful business"
""Thank you to all the coaches in each class. Because of the teachings in AweBliss I was able to step outside of my comfort zone, breakthrough my procrastination and turn my fear into fun. Instead of watching Netflix and doing nothing, now I have created a successful business and I am a full-time Entrepreneur."
"Today I can see the bigger picture"
"The conquer your procrastination tools were really helpful and as always Joel’s teachings and lessons are mind blowing and today I am able to see the bigger picture of my business.

It’s great that it’s making us dream and think more beyond what we have known and beyond the box have been in."
"The workshops were amazing"
"The workshops were amazing. This Procrastinator Type re-patterning process is so insightful. Gratitude to you Joel Brown."


"Before discovering my procrastination type with Mindstrong, I was overwhelmed with numerous great ideas but struggled a lot with execution. It felt like I was caught in a loop, constantly battling with my own mind, even though the desire to execute was strong.

But once I identified my procrastination type and learned the techniques to re-pattern these subconscious programs, the transformation was powerful. Not only did I gain incredible focus, clarity, and structure, but I also noticed a profound impact in all areas of my life.

My business productivity skyrocketed, and on a personal level, I experienced a newfound discipline. This course didn't just change my patterns – it reshaped my entire outlook on life.

Now, whenever I see those old patterns attempting to creep back in, I'm armed with the tools and mindset to approach them with solid clarity and confidence.
I'm immensely grateful to Joel Brown and the MindStrong Academy for this life-changing experience."

Still debating if this workshop can truly transform your procrastination patterns?

I understand, especially if you've tried multiple solutions with little to no success.

Enrolling in this workshop is a risk-free, 7 day trial that you can cancel anytime (no contracts).

If you find that the course or our academy isn’t the right fit, you can easily just cancel yourself in your logged in account within your first 7 days, no questions asked!​

I Encourage You to Reflect Deeply:
1. How has overlooking this critical aspect kept you from reaching the pinnacle of success you rightfully deserve? Has mediocrity been your silent companion?

2. Consider the immense time and energy that procrastination has stolen from you. How has it affected your dreams, aspirations, and overall success?

3. Are you exhausted from the repetitive cycle of setting high standards, only to be paralyzed by the fear of not meeting them?

4. Do you often feel isolated, believing you're the only one battling these overwhelming thoughts of perfectionism and self-doubt?
Visualize for a moment: what if another year, or 3, or 5 — or even decades — slip by and you’re still stuck to these patterns?

Alternatively, by taking decisive action today, you could embark on a transformative journey, starting this very moment.

Remember, this workshop is designed to delve deep into your psyche, helping you heal old patterns and empowering you to break free from the shackles of perfectionism.

In under an hour, you will uncover 5 quick and easy actionable strategies to overcome the Dread Head patterns that have held you back. This knowledge will not only skyrocket your productivity but will also enrich your wealth, health, relationships, and business ventures.

Isn't it time your actions matched your ambitions? Click the button below and step into a realm where excellence is the norm, not the exception.


The Radical Defiant procrastination type likely formed for you in childhood, potentially due to environments with extreme expectations and possibly experiences of criticism or humiliation.

In early childhood, you might have assumed or even learned that approval and love were conditional—based mainly on your accomplishments and ability to meet high standards. This could have led you to believe that you were never ‘good enough’ unless you were perfect in every way.

This upbringing likely fueled a constant strive for unattainable perfection as a way to gain love and approval, causing a cycle of stress, self-criticism, and overexertion.

This continuous pursuit might affect every aspect of your life, causing delays in important decisions and missed opportunities, impacting relationships and potentially leading to burnout, increased stress, and decreased productivity.


What we recommend is that you repattern your procrastination type now with our easy to follow step by step subconscious reprogramming system.

To help you get started with your transformation, below we have recommended some specific courses based on your results that’ll help you conquer your procrastination so you can reach your full potential financially, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Many of our students who have re-patterned their procrastination type within the first 30 days state they feel unstoppable.

So we’re sure if you put in the effort, the same is possible for you too.
